Welcome to The Impatience Economy™

I wrote a book: The Impatience Economy. You can get it, here. Although many excellent books and essays have addressed the general social and economic impact of social media, none fully captured the specific, revolutionary nature of the changes we are currently living through and that will become even more pronounced in the coming decades, accelerated by the COVID-19 lockdowns…

THE IMPATIENCE ECONOMY™: A Digital Consumers’ Bill of Rights

When asked to list America’s founding fathers, most of us call to mind six names: Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, Franklin, Washington, and Adams. But students of history know that George Mason deserves to be included in that list. The Virginian whom Jefferson called “the wisest man of his generation” not only penned some of the most memorable phrases in the Declaration…

THE IMPATIENCE ECONOMY™: Social Media Enlightened Regulation | The Goldilocks Zone

Anyone who’s ever watched a U.S. Congressional panel discuss technology issues could be forgiven for thinking that enlightened social media regulation policies have about the same chance of emerging from these representatives—working on their own—as would a responsible set of aviation standards from the First Continental Congress. My own views are more hopeful. I’ve seen governments step up and do…

THE IMPATIENCE ECONOMY™: 5G Will Make Virtual The New Reality

Beyond the pandemic of 2020, we’re living through an unprecedented period of development and opportunity due to synergistic technological advancements in mobile communications, augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR), artificial intelligence, social networks, and distribution channels. Businesses need to prepare for a new reality in which consumers have greater and greater demand and economic power. The convergence of 5G…

THE IMPATIENCE ECONOMY™: Take Consumers on a Journey | Storytelling with SRM

In the past, businesses had three basic marketing options: television, radio, and print. Fortune 500 companies traditionally spent billions developing slick commercials and paid to air them at the most widely watched events, such as the Super Bowl. Or they placed expensive ads is glossy trend-setting publications like Vanity Fair, Vogue, and GQ. Smaller companies had to settle for radio…

THE IMPATIENCE ECONOMY™: 15 Keys to Success in Social Retail Marketing

In today’s Impatience Economy, slight modifications to your business model will not be adequate to survive or thrive. Traditional status quo marketing methods and models must be entirely and rapidly refashioned. Your mindset must change. You need to see the marketplace for what it is, not what it was. In summary, here are 15 keys to success in Social Retail…

THE IMPATIENCE ECONOMY™: A ‘Social Retail Marketing’ Narrative | Is Your Business Ready?

The best way to clarify my concept of Social Retail Marketing (SRM) is with a brief narrative. Imagine you’re at home, scrolling through Instagram, and you tag three friends under a video ad for Tim McGraw’s Here on Earthalbum that really grabbed your attention. You had to share it! As you read their excited replies, a notification pops up on…

THE IMPATIENCE ECONOMY™: What Can Be Bigger Than Amazon?

The March 2021 issue of The Atlantic contains an essay by Vauhini Vara on a topic which we have all widely heard: Amazon’s growth has been bad for many Americans. Almost as often, I find articles in business magazines that take the opposite view, extolling the company’s efficiency, convenience, customer service, low-cost goods, and strategic acumen. Both approaches conclude that Amazon threatens…